" If I Can Imagine It, It Can Materialize!"
AXIOMS OF COMMUNICATION What does it mean? In mathematics or logic, an axiom is an unprovable rule, or first principle accepted as true because it is self-evident or particularly useful. “Nothing can both be and not be at the same time and in the same respect” is an example of an axiom. The term is often used interchangeably with a postulate, though the latter term is sometimes reserved for mathematical applications (such as the postulates of Euclidean geometry). (Merriam-Webster dictionary) Watzlawick’s Chapter 2 We need to first understand the simple properties of communication that have fundamental interpersonal implications. (Watzlawick 2.1). Watzlawick explains that there is a property of behavior that is basic and overlooked: stating that behavior has no opposite. There is no such thing as non-behavior or, one cannot not behave. I bring Watzlawick up because after reading the text, I agree. The concept is true, and yet I never thought about it. The text expl...